Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 6 Outline

Module 6 Outline

Q Purpose: Graduate students will individually explore, examine, and critically evaluate foundational and current trends and issues in curriculum design and implementation. Clarifying, descriptive, and probing questions related to the required texts and resources provided will be in a reflective, “module reading outline” that will be submitted as a PDF by the due date indicated in Blackboard. Instructions: Answer the questions related to the module outline topics, readings, and resources. a. Reponses should be in a different color than the questions (no answers in black font). b. If specific quotes are highlighted or shared in a response, the quote needs to have a citation/reference in APA (please refer to the 7th edition rules). c. Once the questions have been answered, save the document as a PDF, and submit the completed PDF document in Blackboard by the due date. Structure: There are three (3) sections of the module outline: 1) Textbook/Resource Questions 2) Research Extension Questions 3) Reflection Questions Please ensure that you have answered all questions in all sections before submitting the document to Blackboard! Grading Criteria: Your final score (out of 7 points) will be based on the level and depth of description, examination, evaluation, and reflection of the questions posed by the guiding questions (see below). The rubric will guide you in the evaluation of the module. Note: Although the module outline is not due until the end of the two-week module date on the tentative course calendar, it is strongly suggested to complete the module before the initial blackboard posting as this outline will be helpful in structuring and composing your initial post and responses to peers. ------- The question(s) below refer to the Glatthorn et al. textbook – Chapters 15: Pages 425-458 1. The authors suggest that “individualizing the curriculum…is so vital to the future path of education” (Gatthorn et al., 2019, p. 425). What does “individualizing the curriculum” mean to you? Has “individualizing the curriculum” impacted curriculum and instruction in your personal context? 2. In your own words, define differentiated instruction. What are the benefits of differentiated instruction? 3. Choose two (2) of the individualized types of instruction highlighted in the textbook (see list below). Describe and explain the affordances and constraints of your chosen individualized types of instruction.

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Individualizing the curriculum means structuring a course of study for each individual learner. The individualizing the curriculum impacts the instructions and curriculum to fit learners’ educational needs, styles, and interests making it easy to achieve educational goals.Differentiated instruction is a teaching technique that modifies instruction to learners’ various learning needs. The benefits include addressing learner educational shortages in both speed and depth.